What is the Accelerator?
When you first list your home, the accelerator feature is enabled. This lowers your home’s prices by 20% for the first 60 days for its first 3 reservations, increasing your chances of attracting guests quickly and receiving early reviews. Early positive reviews help attract more guests and bookings. This strategy can give you a strong start, setting up your home for future success.
How does it work?
When guests view your prices for the first 60 days, they will be 20% lower until you receive 3 reservations for dates in the first 60 days.
The Accelerator will turn off once you have 3 reservations booked with a check-in date in those first 60 days, or once 60 days is reached, whichever comes first.
You can turn this feature off at any time from the Pricing tab. If you turn it back on, it will only apply for the first 60 days since your home went live.